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Philosophy and Culture

Sevastianova, S. S. Time and Space in Screen Music Theatre

Abstract: Space and time in screen music theatre is viewed as the synthesis of verbal (libretto), musical and graphical presentations of space and time. In screen music theatre space and time follow the main esthetic laws. They appear as conditional, inseparable categories. Space and time continuum is oriented at emotions, however, the reality or metaphor of a chronotopos can be stressed out depending on the genre or a director’s intention. In new conditions music plays are changed and structured according to new cinematographic principles. Stressing out this or that property leads to changing another property, for instance, time stop (emotional time in music) is usually accompanied with changes in the visual imagery, in this case expansion of the emotional space is caused with the narrowing of the visual space (when the image is enlarged). Space and time continuum in music plays has a mosaic pattern and is realized through various metro-rhythmic properties. The relation between space and time creates the audio-visual counterpoint that defines the esthetic phenomenon of screen music theatre.


philosophy, time, space, screen, music theatre, convergence of time layers, time parallelism, time stops, author’s and plot’s space, real and conditional space, inner monologue.

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