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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Vyatkina, V. M. Psychopathological Structure of Manifest Endogen Attacks in Later Life

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to study psychopathological peculiarities of endogen psychoses that affected 75 patients over 45 years old. The author studied a group of 75 patients who had endogen psychosis after they had turned 45 years old. As a result, the author described and analyzed the three main syndromes of late manifest psychoses: affective delusional, hallucinatory and delusional syndromes. Obtained data proved Romanova and Rostovtseva’s results of studying late schizophrenia saying that the main clinical disorder of the delusional hallucinatory syndrome was verbal hallucinations. Variants of development of psychopathological syndromes usually depend not only on the mechanism of delusion formation but also on different levels of mental disorders. The fact that the aforesaid syndromes have the same pattern in the study is caused by the age dependency — for elderly patients it is important to keep their achieved prosperity and somatic health. The practical value of the study is a proof that age-related vascular disorders of the brain actually influence the manifestation of endogen processes in all groups of syndromes. The fact that variants of development of syndromes do not depend on the age of patients once the syndrome was manifested creates grounds for a hypothesis that the syndrome development depends on premorbid peculiarities.


psychiatry, psychosis, syndrome, paranoia, hallusinations, neurosis, involution, affect, paranoid, substupor.

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