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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Vavilova, I. N. Development of the Moral Sense and Emotions

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of developing the moral sense and emotions of a modern human. This is a nettlesome topic because each personality has its own emotional structure and style and a range of emotions and feelings through which the person perceives the world around. From the point of emotions people differ based on their emotional excitement, length and stability of their emotions, domination of positive (stenic) or positive (astenic) emotions. Thus, the subject of this article is the system of formation and development of the moral sense and feelings. The object is the process of formation of these human manifestations. The author summarizes experience of famous researchers on this matter and makes certain conclusions based on her analysis. The results can be used by the author in practice.


psychology, feelings, emotions, personality, relationship, interaction, aggression, psyche, excitement, relation.

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