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Actual problems of Russian law

Stelmach Vladimir Yurievich Parties to the receipt of information on the connections between the users and (or) user terminals

Abstract: The idea of this article is to systematize the views on the procedural status of the participants of the receipt of information on the connections between the users and (or) their terminals, as well as to provide the practically supported rules, which are not yet provided for legislatively. Having analyzed the competence of investigator, the author points out that under the provisions of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation only the investigator, who has the case, may assign investigative activities, or it can be done by head of the group, if a investigative group is working on a case. At the same time, any investigators in such a group may take part in judicial proceedings. Having studied the competence of the head of the investigative body, the author comes to a conclusion that only the directly supervising officer may be empowered to require such an action. The author considers that only federal judges of district courts or courts of the same status are empowered to give permission to obtain information on the connections between the users and (or) their terminals, and the justices of peace and judges or regional courts have no such powers. All of these conclusion may have considerable practical value, considering that there is no unified approach to this issue.


jurisprudence, information, connection, user, investigator, head of the group, prosecutor, judge, operator, status.

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