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National Security

Narutto, S.V. Definition and borders of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The author considers territory of a constituent subject of the Russian Federation to be an inalienable element of the status of such a subject, having analyzed the provisions of the Constitutions of the Republic and the Ustavs of other subjects of the federation,which provided for the legal regimes of their territories and having noted the unclarities in their formulae. The author also formulates the conclusion that the territory of the constituent subject cannnot be characterized as “state territory ” in generally accepted constitutional and international legal sence, since the subjects do not have sovereignty. It is noted that the territory of a constituent subject of the Russian Federation is an inalienable part of the territory of the Russian Federation, which precludes the subjects of the Russian Federation from separation, division, or other types of integrity violations in a federal state. Then the author analyzes the norm of the regional basic laws on the principles of unity, inviolability and territorial integrity of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the status of the administrative border of the constituent subject of the Russian Federation.


jurisprudence, territory, organization, constituent subject, unity, integrity, sovereignty, federation, competence.

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