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Philosophy and Culture

Djafarova, Dj. T. Existential of the Old Age

Abstract: Extensive researches show how inconvertible psychophysical changes happening inside a body of an elderly person. However, no theories can actually explain man’s fundamental attitude to his own physicality and such changes. Besides personality peculiarities, these changes also have an element set forth by cultural stereotypes that play some kind of a basis for perceiving certain properties of the body depending on his As a result of the change in spiritual paradigms in European culture the world is turned into an aggregative, a construct of human mind and human loses his integrity and mostly acts as the actor of the cogitation process. Therefore, philosophical and anthropological analysis shows that the old age makes the problems of human existence more acute and reveals the true nature of existence. One of the crises of modern Western civilization is based on their attempt to achieve long years of life and perhaps even immortality passing by the old age that is viewed as the failure and impairment but not personal and social cultural achievement. It raises the importance of traditional cultures that respected the old age and long life was considered to be the result of spiritual and personality growth.


philosophy, old age, spiritual paradigm, physicality, existential, gender aspect, death and immortality, fear, value of the old age, overcoming the old age.

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