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Philosophy and Culture

Kurto, O. I. Pioneers of Gender Researches in Russia

Abstract: The article is devoted to the appearance and development of female and gender researches in our country. Even though it was mostly perceived as the Western scientific trend in early 90th of XX century, Russian gender school actually has its on history, set of methods, concepts and ideas different from anything which has been created abroad. Since they did not have an opportunity to exchange experience with their foreign colleagues, Russian scientists, by trial and error, developed that branch of science based on unique state and private archives, self-biographies, personal correspondence, interviews and etc. They started to study topics that were previously closed not only for research but even for public discussion such as sex, sexuality, sexual violence, homosexuality, erotic, prostitution and etc. Some branches of science were created to satisfy a scientist’s personal interest towards such issues as the role of woman in the world history, history of women, history of femininity and history of masculinity, childhood history, everyday life, private life, female and male style of writing and etc. When the Soviet Union fell apart, female and gender researches started to grow and expand. Russian scientists got access to foreign studies and researches. New laboratories, divisions and sectors ere created to study these issues and the number of feminists jumped up in our country. It was the time when the Russian association of researchers of female history was created. The development of gender school in Russia, its founders, the scope of problems which interested scientists at different stages of their development and scientific publications and works created in this sphere – these are the matters and issues of the article.


cultural research, history, historiography, researchers, gender, social studies, female male, feminism.

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