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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kuzovkin, V. V., Skorobogatova, N. A. Peculiarities of Improving the System of Practical Psychologists’ Training

Abstract: The subject of the article is the authors’ views on peculiarities of improving the system of practical psychologists’ training. The purpose of the article is to share the authors’ concern about poor quality of psychologists’ training with the psychological community. This issue grows even more topical now since V. V. Putin talked about modernization of higher education during his election campaign. Based on competent sources, the author analyzes certain aspects of the high quality training of practical psychologists. The authors also share their experience and results of their research in improving the quality of teaching and training psychology. The article can be of interest for all those who work in the sphere of psychological education and training, who care for the system of education in our country in general and teaching and training of practical psychologists in particular.


psychology, modernization, education, psychology, personality, identity, image, conceptual, goal-setting.

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