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History magazine - researches

Pakhalyuk K.A. Ideological reasons of the autocracy de-legitimizing in Russia

Abstract: the article examines the causes of de-legitimization of royal power in Russia, that took place during the World War I. Author states that the government failed to offer the public a picture of the world, giving an adequate explanation of what was going on, and consolidate the people around the figure of the Emperor. The focus of the article is on the mistakes that were made in the field of ideological politics (in the image of the enemy, interpretation of the meaning of the war, the representation of the image of Nicholay II, informing the public about the war.) The search for the German spies campaign organized by the authority in order to justify military failures turned against it, have spread the rumors about the presence of German traitors among the members of the royal family and the government. Nation and monarchy were opposed to each other and the government has lost the trust of society and the people.


history, World War I, the political culture, the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholay II, the Russian Empire, ideology, propaganda, the power crisis, the image of the enemy.

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