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Philosophy and Culture

Kurganova, I. G. Reflection of Ideas and Norms of Post-Modernistic Paradigm in Rajneesh Osho’s Philosophy

Abstract: Different projects of release (of human, consciousness, culture, language, creativity and etc.) which have become the norms of post-modernistic paradigm are now reflected in religious activity and teaching by an Indian philosopher Rajneesh (Osho). The uncertainty principle, being one of the main concepts in post-modernistic ontology and gnoseology, in many ways defines the plurality of modern perception of the world. Just like his predecessors, Osho tries to create the synthesis of Oriental metaphysics and Western philosophy. But unlike them, he goes beyond the limits of Indian spirituality and incorporates all Chinese and Japanese spiritual practices into his teaching. In his lectures Osho touches upon a great variety of topics and his philosophical conceptions are syncretical and eclectical. His philosophy can be named as one of the most provocative and sometimes even scandalous versions of Hinduism reformation in post-modernistic paradigm.


philosophy, culture, post-modernism, religion, mysticism, release, truth, human, Rajneesh, Osho.

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