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Philosophy and Culture

Makeeva, S. G. Art Anthropology of Judas Iscariot in Literature of the 20th Century

Abstract: The article is devoted to interpretation of Judas Iscariot’s image studied by philosophers and theologists of the 20th century as well as interpretation of those concepts from the point of view of art anthropology. The author analyzes the topic of Judas betrayal and makes a conclusion that this topic is some kind of a dominant idea in culture and psychology. As for the fact that there are many different interpretations of Judas image in the 20th c entury, the author e xplains it w ith an active appeal to hermeneutics methods of interpretation of Holy scripts as well as denial from traditional Christian values. In conclusion, the author says that Judas is interesting for art anthropology not only as a ‘man who betrayed’, but also as a ‘man who denied spiritual for the sake of material’, unforgiven man and, finally, a man who perishes.


philosophy, Jesus, Judas, anthropology, art, law, court, betrayal, image, interpretation.

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