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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kharisova R.R. A comparative analysis of personal characteristics and types of empathy as the psychiatrists and psychiatrists-psychotherapists competencies

Abstract: The article deals with features of psychiatrists’ personality profiles and types of empathy, depending on the additional education in the field of psychotherapy. Author points out the differences in these indicators between psychiatrists and psychiatrists-psychotherapists that reflects the inclusion of “subjectivity” in the professional work. The article gives the analysis of the results of a research on methods (a test to assess the type and level of empathy by Boiko, V.V.; MMPI, adapted by Berezin F.B. and Miroshnikov, M.P.) in two groups of psychiatrists (120 men) aged 24-61 years old. A statistical analysis allowed to determine the differences in this characteristics for psychiatrists and psychotherapists. The data obtained allowed author to formulate the relationship of personality profiles and types of empathy with the peculiarities of building relationships with patients, the dominant paradigms in the mental and psychological sciences.


psychology, education, professional, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, personality, empathy, subjectivity, objectivity, paradigm.

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