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Administrative and municipal law

Morozova, M. S. Administrative Procedures in the Russian Federation Customs Activity and their Role in Russia’s Integration as One Common Economic Space

Abstract: The author of the present article shows the importance of improvements in legal regulation of customs activity towards implementation of administrative procedures under conditions of the customs union formation and intensive integration of Russia as one common economic space. The author studies scientific approaches to definition of the nature, content and legal importance of the institution of administrative procedures in modern administrative law. Based on the analysis, the author suggests her own approach to definition of administrative procedures implemented by the Russian Federation customs, in particular, their role in harmonization and unification of laws in member states of the Customs Union based on generally accepted standards and international law principles as an essential condition of the common economic space existence.


administrative procedures, harmonization and unification of laws, state administration, common trade policy, common economic space, protection of human rights and freedoms, procedure, customs, customs union, federal budget, economic security.

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