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Administrative and municipal law

Shugrina, E. S., Narutto, S. V. Peculiarities of Management of the System of Education in the Sphere of Law- Enforcement Activity

Abstract: This particular article summarizes and analyzes all law-enforcement materials in the sphere of education. It is noted that there have been many court decision on certain issues while other matters are not so covered but still need to be researched. The authors describe peculiarities of law-enforcement practice in the sphere of delineation of competence between public authorities in the sphere of education. They also analyze certain issues of law-enforcement in the sphere of state accreditation, licensing and certification as well as legal status of educational institutions. Monitoring of judicial practice on educational issues helped to fine certain collisions and problems in the sphere of education laws and allowed to make certain suggestions on law interpretation. Results of the study are aimed at harmonization of laws regulating relations in the sphere of education and their practical implementation.


education, licensing, state accreditation, educational institution, institute, educational standards, judicial protection, law-enforcement, delineation of authority.

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