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Administrative and municipal law

Konnov, V. A. On the Question About the Subject, Content and Nature of the Institution of Anti-Crisis Measures in Modern International Economic Law

Abstract: The article clearly shows that at the present time there is a separate group of standards that has been formed as part of the international economic law. This group of standards is oriented at prevention and coping with financial and economic crises and has all the features of an international law institution. The article also describes conceptual and theoretical issues of the institution of anti-crisis measures in international economic law. In particular, the article defines the role and place of the institution in the system of modern international law and its relations with the other branches and institutions. The author describes the subject and object of the Institution of Anti-Crisis Measures, international law groundwork and its constituents.


institution of anti-crisis measures, international economic law, international financial law, international economic assistance law, international control over execution of anti-crisis obligations, Anti-Crisis Fund of EurAsEC, Financial Stability Board (FSB).

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