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Culture and Art

Baldina, O. D. Dmitry Zhilinsky as a Person and an Artist: Dedicated to the Master’s Jubilee

Abstract: The article is devoted to the member of the Russian Academy of Education and Russian Academy of Fine Arts, national artist of the Russian Soviet-Federated Socialist Republic, Dmitry Zhilinsky who turned 85 in 2012. The article describes his work and signifi cant events in his life before and after he became an artist. The article is based on published memories and expressions of the artist as well as personal impressions of the author.


cultural studies, history of art, culture, creativity, fi ne arts, artist, talent, artist’s life, personality, spiritual values.

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1. Dmitriy Dmitrievich Zhilinskiy: Katalog vystavki proizvedeniy. Zhivopis'. Grafika. M., 1984.
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6. Zhilinskiy D. Moi portrety // Tvorchestvo. 1971. ¹ 1.
7. Zhilinskiy D. Vspominaya institut // Yunyy khudozhnik. 2004. ¹ 4.
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9. Konchin E. Moe pokolenie: Etyudy o khudozhnikakh. M., 2004.
10. Pavlov P. A. Dmitriy Zhilinskiy. L., 1974