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Philosophy and Culture

Popov, E. A. Apostille of Artistic Communication in Philosophy, Art and Culture

Abstract: The article makes an attempt to show the interaction between self-sufficient scientific disciplines — philosophy, art and culture, - within the framework of artistic communication as the common apostille with clearly expressed values and meaning. Traditional approach to philosophy as the system of values and standards of human collective and individual existence is complemented with another interpretation: philosophy is viewed as a socio-cultural system that, by the means of art and culture, forms super reality oriented at a clear balance of the good and the evil, life and death, movement and stagnation (but not their opposition as it is viewed traditionally). Artistic communication is some kind of an apostille that becomes typical for philosophy, art and culture at the end of the 19th — 20th centuries.


philosophy, apostille, communication, symbols, art, culture, reality, life, everyday life, society.

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