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Philosophy and Culture

Nedugova, I. V. Dialectics of Culture and Consciousness: Objective Approach

Abstract: The problem of the correlation between culture as the form and the result of human activity is closely connected with evaluation of the objective side. Objective side can be viewed both as the ‘form’ and the’ result’ which is shown in the very first definition of culture as the form of human activity and as the objective result of that activity. The author describes the objective approach by analyzing culture and consciousness built on the principles of upward reflection (from the object to the sign, from the sign to the symbol, from the symbol to extremely universal signs). If we view the process of activity, any objective element of culture is designed, in this way or another, to serve as the mean of its actualization (stimulation, programming, realization, physical life sustaining and etc.) and thus be included in the term ‘form of activity’.


philosophy, culture, object, symbol, sign, extremely universal signs, objectivity, activity, crisis, development, formation, systemacity.

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