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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Shakhray S.M. Role of the Constitutional Court’s of the Russian Federation Decisions for the Establishment of Constitutional Model of Russian Federalism

Abstract: The author of the article follows the dynamics of the federative relationship of the Post-Soviet Russia from the point of view of The Constitutional Court of The Russian Federation decisions and legal positions. The influence of the practice of the federal constitutional control body for the specification and the strengthening of the model of the Federal government of Russia, which was provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation in force, is shown in the article. The author gives the analysis of the substantive content of the constitutional principles of the federal structure given by The Constitutional Court of The Russian Federation. The implementation of the ideas of federalism in the activity of the State federal and regional authorities of Russia by the Constitutional Court is also reviewed in the article.


unity of the federation; legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; equa

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