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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

O.V. Belousova Forms of Legal Regulation in the European Union: Unification of International Law

Abstract: The article covers the questions of sources of legal regulation within the European Union. Different points of view about the classification of sources are represented in the article, there made a conclusion that the most definitive classification will be the classification, suggested by S.U. Kashkin, according to which all sources are divided into three groups: “primary law”, which consists of constituent documents and documents, changing its, “secondary law”, which is formed by acts of European organs and institutes, and case-law, which is represented by the decisions of European courts. There is also the conclusion in the article that for aims of unification of private-international law in European Union the most interest is of regulation as the only form of European act, which guarantees its direct force.


European Union, regulation, directive, unification, harmonization, primary law, secondary law, case-law, international agreements.

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