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Philology: scientific researches

Arkhangelskaya, I. B. Herbert Marshall McLuhan and the Southern Tradition Literature

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes a great Canadian sociologist and literary critic Marshall McLuhan’s views on literature (1911-1980). His researches of the forming influence of electric and electronic means of communication on human and society made him quite famous. The author of this article shows that an essential part of McLuhan’s esthetics and world of art as well as an importance stage in his formation and development as a literary critic and the theorist of communication still remains the literature of the American South – a so called ‘new critics’ approach. He had personal contacts with the ‘southern’ intellectuals and published is works in the ‘southern’ literary journals which helped McLuhan to assert himself and to make his name for the educational community.


philology, philosophy, conservatism, literature, study of literature, tastes, myth, didacticism, critics, method.

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