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National Security

Tsyganov, V.V., Borodin, V.A., Shishkin, G.B. On the modernization of the system of state government.

Abstract: The author views the systems of management of the evolution of the state and their role in the formation of the national elite, as well as a elite of the global capital center. The fall of the ideology of liberalism in Russia shows the need and necessity for the change of the liberal self-evaluation of the Russian elite. The economic and political security of Russia is related with the modernization of management, formation of the system of state planning. The new moving force of Russia should be engineers and scientists. The possibility of the transfer to the 6th technological position in Russia requires the formation of the network of intellectual enterprises, competitiveness of which should be based on fundamental scientifi c studies.


political science, security, state, management, planning, economics, capital, intellect, enterprise, elite.

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