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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

K.A. Galin Present Subject–Matter of Freedom of Contract Concept in German and Russian Federation Law

Abstract: The paper gives a brief insight to freedom of contract doctrine in various aspects including its present development due to the justice and equality principles. In first part of paper the author tries to detach and substantially describe the main elements of freedom of contract doctrine in Germany and Russian Federation. Second part is devoted to the correspondence of freedom of contract with the categories of formal and material justice and equality principle of contracting parties. The third is dealt with the two contrary concepts of German law doctrines differently considering government intervention in private relations — theories of formal and material freedom of contract.


comparative law, freedom of contract, private autonomy, legal and factual equality, formal and material justice, unrestricted competition, government intervention, formal and material freedom of contract, social function of contract, freedom of contract limits.

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