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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

A.A. Kashirkina, A.N. Morozov Scopes of International Legal Regulation and Development of Integration Processes in the Post–Soviet Space

Abstract: The article concerns issues related to scopes of international legal regulation in connection with development of integration process in the post–soviet space. It is observed that in the conditions of globalization international and municipal law are closely related and exert mutual impact on each other. International law trends of interstate integration on post–soviet space are analyzed on the example of the Eurasian Economic Community and the Customs Union. The article discovers factors impacting interaction of international and municipal law and thereafter influencing the scopes of international legal regulation. Some aspects of cooperation within the framework of the European Union are indicated which may be used for the development of integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Community and the Customs Union.


international law, integration, interstate associations, the Customs Union, European Union, interaction.

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