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Philology: scientific researches

Skvortsova, E. L. On the Question of Peculiarities of Far-Eastern Esthetics (based on the analysis of Imamiti Tomonobu’s views)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of views of a major Japanese aesthetician Imamiti Tomonobu. It analyzes proto esthetical views of ancient Japanese and descries stages of development of Japanese esthetics as well as views of famous representatives of Japanese culture. Special attention is paid at ‘impersonality’ of Japanese spiritual tradition. The ‘continent’ culture taught Japanese that the true knowledge is not just a discourse system of verbally structured texts but some kind of a ‘heart response’ to vague images which are only to obtain material forms. Ancient masters taught their students not only to stamp forms but also to understand what is ‘above’, ‘before’, ‘outside’ and ‘above’ the form. The author of the article also underlines the lasting value of Far-Eastern experience in esthetics. At the present time the theory of esthetics needs not only discursive but also sensual or so-called ‘bodily’ way of thinking. Therefore, it can be very useful to study traditional Japanese esthetics and its ‘mind of the body’ priority.


philology, Japanese esthetics, ‘mind of the body’, Imamiti Tomonobu, discursive knowledge, impersonality of Japanese culture, etymology of Japanese sense of beauty, ‘vegetal’ nature of Japanese esthetics, stages of development of Japanese esthetics, relation of esthetic and ethic aspects.

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