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History magazine - researches

Shemyakin Ya.G. The problem of the relation of universal and local – center of semantic space and epistemological limit of the civilization study

Abstract: the article analyzes the key problems of the methodology of the civilizational approach.The author argues that the semantic center of any civilization is to study the problem of the relation of universal and local dimensions of the historical process. This issue is at the same time a cognitive limit before which the human mind always and invariably stops and again and again returns to it, trying to overcome. The author believes that the greatest potential for solving difficult theoretical problems in this epistemological “frontier” is given by the theory of “frontier” of civilizations. The author’s opinion is based on the belief that the unity and diversity of the “peoples’ world”, the universal and local dimensions of human existence are “equal-dignity”, “unmerged” and “indivisible” ontological reality. Only with this understanding of their relationship the dialogue is really possible in the form in which it was understood by Bakhtin M.M.


scientific method of Descartes, civilization, border civilization, universal, local, dual (binary) opposition, epistemological limit, semantic space, ontological dynamics, global context, dialogue, constructive tension vector.

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