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History magazine - researches

Shinin O.V. The Bolshevist “party” secret service during the period of existence of the bourgeois governments in the Primorskaya province (May 1921 - October 1922)

Abstract: the article covers the problem of foundation of the Bolshevik “party” intelligence after the May 1921 takeover in Vladivostok, its role in the struggle against the bourgeois governments of the Primorskaya province and interaction with the military intelligence agencies with the People’s Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic.


history, civil war and foreign intervention in the Far East, Primorskaya province, Primorsky Regional Committee of the RCP (b), Regional Revolutionary Committee, “party” secret service, intelligence subdivision, military intelligence, military intelligence residency, Burlakov L.Ya., Salnyn Kh.I..

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