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Philosophy and Culture

Korneva, S. A. Personality as an Absolute: F. M. Dostoevsky’s Metaphysical Views

Abstract: F. M. Dostoevsky’s views on human nature and personality can be viewed from the point of view of transfusion and interaction between European and Russian cultures. Integration of European metaphysical conceptions and Russian Orthodoxy allowed to create a conception of human as the phenomenon of godly absolute free of rational theomachy. Being part of the godly absolute, god-and-man is considered to be the next stage in the development of humankind. Based on such approach, personality is a phenomenon possessing an independent enternal value which is beyond the borders of a particular religion, on one hand, but closely connected with religion due to its spirituality, on the other hand. Dostoevsky’s works are analyzed from the point of view of the conflict between different Christian confessions and a traditional conflict between a religious society and a new world created by the technological progress. The conception of the unity of all humankind helps to better understand the principles of multiculturalism and cross-cultural communication. The results of this study can be used by researchers in order to better understand modern social processes and formation of human values. Further study and interpretation of M. F. Dostoevsky’s legacy may help to create new models of spiritual and moral development.


philosophy, human, personality, absolute, ‘all humankind’, ‘god-and-man’, individuality, being, universal values, Christianity

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