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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Semenova, Yu. A. L. N. Tolstoy’s and N. A. Nekrasov’s Works for Children

Abstract: The problem of children’s literature is gaining more importance nowadays. What is exactly children’s literature? What functions does it perform? What are the borders of childhood? These are the questions this study is devoted to. In order to find answers to these questions, the author conducts an experiment involving children of 7 to 11 years old. The purpose of the study was to find out whether modern school children can actually digest and understand L. N. Tolstoy’s and N. A. Nekrasov’s works, whose works are more comprehensive and why. The author of the article makes concrete conclusions based on her study.


pedagogy, literature, poems, novel, experiment, book, children, Tolstoy, Nekrasov, comprehend.

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