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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Andreev, I. L. Conception of the Brain Chassis

Abstract: The article studies the stages of genesis and objectives laws of functioning of the structural and functional dichotomy between the cortex and subcortex of the human brain which determines the typical models of physiological and social behavior of a person, ethnos, nation at various stages of the world history of human. At the same time the author studies the evolutionary connection between genetic algorithms of psyche with environment and internal environment. Among them special place is taken by the structural and functional differentiation of the subcortex as well as interactions between harmonic immune and neuropsychic regulation of life-sustaining activity of an organism and behavior of a human.


psychology, brain, functional asymmetry of hemispheres, cortex and subcortex, limbis system, reticular formation, microflora, labor, work, creative work, tool, machine, computer, convergence of cogitation and speech.

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