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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

O.A. Akopyan Legal Regulation of the Financial Market in the USA during Crisis Periods of Development

Abstract: The Modern financial market of the USA represents powerful branch of economy which successfully carries out mobilization of various temporarily free monetary resources and provides their direction in the investment according to requirements of economy. Development of the financial market of the USA was defined during a greater part of XX century, in particular after credit and financial reforms of 30 th years, mainly under action of two primary factors: first of them is a development credit and financial institutions and the tools reflecting features of the American economy, the second — development of the state financial–legal regulation, is consecutive and precisely regulating the order of operations in the monetary market and the market of the capital. Formation and development of the uniform financial market of the USA is accompanied by complex processes in system of institutes entering into it.


financial market, financial investments, industrial actives, the credit market, securities market, banks.

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