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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

E.K. Kontievskaya Representations and Warranties in Cross-Border Share Purchase Agreements (SPA): Comparative Legal Analyses

Abstract: The article outlines the actual problems of giving representations and warranties under English, Russian and German law. The author reveals the issue of legal effect of representations and warranties incorporated into share purchase agreement (SPA) governed by Russian law as well as possible ways of protecting the purchaser from damages caused by misrepresentation of company’s assets. The article presents a refined analysis of Russian and foreign court practice related to representations and warranties.


comparative law, M&A transactions, concept of representations and warranties under English law, legal effect of representations and warranties under Russian law, recognition of the share purchase agreement(SPA) as null and void, misrepresentation, damages, “quality” of shares, liquidity and investment attraction of shares, implementation of representations and warranties in Russian and German legal system, limitation of w arranties.

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