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Philosophy and Culture

Bliskavitsky, A. A. Epistemological Context in Russian Symbolism (Based on Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Esthetics)

Abstract: In the context of non-classical epistemology, on a way to denial from being centered on science and to orientation on esthetic knowledge introduced by Russian symbolists, today we can witness the new unusual approaches to understanding the world, role and place of human, harmonization of human and the surrounding world in order to overcome the catastrophic confrontation between them. The article describes Vyacheslav Ivanov’s epistemological idea that trough rising above and denial from his own subjectivity with a help of a certain esthetical mood Artist can actually understand the deep nature of existence which is inaccessible for rational and sensual ways of learning. According to Vyacheslav Ivanov, Artist-creator finds the truth in the process of a synthetic act – Mystery. The article is also focused on epistemological methodology of Vyacheslav Ivanov’s esthetics.


philosophy, symbolism, theurgy, mystery, esthetics, epistemology, beauty, artist-creator, synthesis, art, truth.

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