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Philosophy and Culture

Yakovlev, V. A. Christian Metaphysics and Genesis of Classical Science

Abstract: As the basic methodological guides for viewing the mechanisms of interaction between science and religion it is important to consider the binary oppositions ‘naturalism- creationism’ and ‘critical rationalism – sacral nature of orthodoxy’. Christianity outlines the block of gnoseological, ontological and moral metaphysical concepts. Science as a novation in the sphere of realization of human creative potentials is possible only on the basis of a certain level of thinking activity which is achieved, particularly, in the course of development of a religious consciousness – an ability to make references, form abstract and general notions, carry out experiments and etc. Based on the idea of ecocentrism, it is quite topical today to substantially fill in the spiritual concepts with philosophical, scientific and religious components as a part of starvation for the ideal universal knowledge introduced by V. S. Solovyev.


philosophy, spirituality, Christianity, science, metaphysics, values, communication, innovation, knowledge, ecocentrism.

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