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Administrative and municipal law

Terentyev, A. A., Aburakhmanov, V. S. RICS Standards as International Experience of Regulation of Appraisers’ Professional Activities

Abstract: Nowadays there is very little chance that you can actually find a great number of appraisers who strictly follow federal appraisal standards. However, we still neither accept new standards, nor renew the old ones. Due to that Russian experts have been appealing to international experience of appraisal standardization from the very beginning of development of a professional appraisal in Russia. In its turn, international experience is mostly represented by the several basic standards: USPAP American appraisal standards, ASA standards of the American Standards Association, international standards (IVS) developed by the International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) and appraisal standards of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).


appraisal, standards, standardization, regulation, federal appraisal standards, international standards, ethics, rules of evaluation, evaluation procedure, cost.

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