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Philosophy and Culture

Davydov, V. A. The Process of the History Reconstruction (Peculiarities of Infl uence of Culture and Society).

Abstract: The article considers some aspects of the process of infl uence of ideology, social cultural values, standards of ethics and esthetics and etc. on the process of history reconstruction. It is noted that ideology infl uence is one of the most strongly marked and the most distorting the entire process and outcomes of the history reconstruction. The author insists on the thesis that the implicit form of basic cultural values and social norms is refl ected in reconstructive ‘historical knowledge’. Moreover, when the former changes, it makes the historical knowledge to change, too. As a result, any society would inevitably have its own history based on the values and norms generally accepted in this society. The author of the article also raises a question about moral and ethical responsibility of a historian for results of such reconstruction.


philosophy, history reconstruction, historical knowledge, culture, axiological approach, objectivity, values, morals, ethics, esthetics

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