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Philosophy and Culture

Usmanova, O. S. Creative Work By The South Korean Filmmaker Kim-Ki-Duk (In The Frame Of The Problems Of Identity And Transcultural Dialogue).

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of identity and transcultural dialogue based on the example of creative work by a South Korean fi lmmaker Kim-Ki-duk. Based on the analysis of his fi lm ‘Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… and Spring Again’ the author explicates the problem of personal self-identifi - cation in connection with the growing dialogue of cultures. In this fi lm the problem of a person losing his place in a modern world is interpreted from the point of view of Buddhism. Based on the author, the main achievement of Kim-Ki-duk is that he revealed the concept of identity from heuristic point of view and showed how important it is to free our minds from mass media stereotypes in order to understand the true meaning of human identity.


cultural studies, dialogue, self-identifi cation, cinematograph, Korea, Christianity, Buddhism, communication, existentialism, absurd

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