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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Sherkova, T. A. Divine child and great mother in egyptian mythology: mythological and psychological incest.

Abstract: In a mythological Ancient Egyptian picture of the world described by Heliopolis cosmogony incest relations between gods were quite natural. Having come out of the primordial waters of Nu creator Atum gave birth to twins representing the elements of the world: God of Air named Shu and Goddess Telfnut. In their turn, the twins gave birth to the God of Earth, Geb, and the sky goddess Nut. Their children, Osiris, Seth, Isis and Nephthys, became the main heroes of events described by Ancient Egyptian mythology. According to the author, from the point of view of psychology these myths reveal unconscious projections in a structure of taboo gende relations between relatives, in the first place, Isis, the mother, and Hathor, the son.


psychology, archetype of Infant, image of the world, hero the savior, mater fixation, fratricide and incest, second birth, ambivalence of Mother’s archetype, conflict between consciousness and unconsciousness, solar symbolics of consciousness

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