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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chernov, S. V. God, Human and Structure

Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the civilization products, - the structure where personality dies and human becomes just an element keeping the whole system alive. He loses his identity and personality and turns into a creature evaluated and supported by the system in accordance to his usefulness. The author also defined and analyzed the following terms: establishment, labor, work, belief and knowledge. Very few people are able to struggle against the system and this little number includes saints, geniuses and people who manage to keep childish spontaneity and innocence. Such people are not influenced by the structure but on the other hand, they are rejected, repressed and even destroyed by the structure in some cases. Creativity, love and inner beauty of spiritually talented people are the main threat for the structure and its existence


philosophy, psychology, God, human, structure, love, creativity, establishment, labor, work, belief, knowledge

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