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Administrative and municipal law
Shepenko, R. A.
Legal Framework of the Freedom of Transit Principle
// Administrative and municipal law.
2009. № 10.
Shepenko, R. A. Legal Framework of the Freedom of Transit PrincipleAbstract: Key words: studies of law, trade, transit, customs, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Association of South East Asian Nations, Caribbean Community, Transport International Routier, Atlantic Treaty Association. Review: freedom of transit as a principle in international law derives from the priority of free access to the sea in the countries which don’t have a direct access to it. Priority of free access to the sea and transient right have been the subject of different international conferences and a few international agreements which now form the basis of the freedom of transit principle. The variety of international agreements shows that countries are often involved in more than one agreement at a time. Consequently, there is a risk that ountries may fail to fulfill both regional and bilateral agreements due to the fast growth of their number, overlap and multiple participation.
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