Administrative and municipal law
Channov, S. E.
On the Question about Constitutionality of Temporary Appointment of Public Authorities for Performing Certain Powers of the Local Government
// Administrative and municipal law.
2009. № 9.
Channov, S. E. On the Question about Constitutionality of Temporary Appointment of Public Authorities for Performing Certain Powers of the Local Government
Key words: studies of law, local government, powers, temporary,
appointment, constitutional, court, unconstitutionality,
analogy. Abstract: with a view to rising attempts to establish the constitutionality of temporary appointment of public authorities
to perform certain powers of the local government,
in this article the author proved how groundless those arguments were. In particular, the author showed how different the legal nature of relations between public authorities of different levels and between public authorities
and local government authorities is. He also showed that by analogy, it would be impossible to apply acts of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in such a case.