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Politics and Society

Bagrova E.V. The regularity of development of information society in the context of postmodernism

Abstract: The subject of this article is the socio-philosophical analysis of modern information society based on the development of computer technologies and telecommunication, as well as the content created with their help in the context of postmodernism. The analysis touches upon such aspects of social development as activity of the corporations, social interactions, subcultures, use of information technologies, and meaningfulness of the created content. The goal of this work consists in determination of regularity of the development of information society in the context of postmodernism, which includes the processes of increase and decrease of the volume of information and originated by them information space. Within the framework of the conducted analysis, the author appeals to the works of sociologist, economists, philosophers, and psychologists, specifying the commonness of social processes. The author concludes that one of the main characteristics of modern society lies in dualism of the simultaneous complication of technical devices and originated by them social structures, and simplification for the user that leads to the decrease of reflection and emotional perception of the reality. At the same time, the competition is shifted into the space of ideas and consumer perception. In result, protecting their “territories”, corporations and various subcultures encourage the increase in social disunity.


information system, information noise, consumer society, corporation, information space, information society, postmodernism, subculture, social alienation, simulacrum

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