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Politics and Society
Korneeva Ya.A., Arefina M.S., Simonova N.N., Skripchenko N.Yu., Mashinskaya N.V.
Comparative analysis of the perceptions of the reasons of committing crimes among the first time juvenile offenders and repeated offences among them
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 10.
P. 1450-1459.
Korneeva Ya.A., Arefina M.S., Simonova N.N., Skripchenko N.Yu., Mashinskaya N.V. Comparative analysis of the perceptions of the reasons of committing crimes among the first time juvenile offenders and repeated offences among themAbstract: The subject of this research is the insight of the factors that determine commission of crime among the first and second time juvenile offenders, who are currently at the stage of pre-trial support. The object of the research is the pre-trial support of the minors, who violated the law in the Arkhangelsk Region. The article thoroughly examines the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of the ideas about the factors defining the commission of crimes among first and second time juvenile offenders. The study was conducted during the period of October of 2014 until April of 2015. The experimental selection was consisted the 60 minors who committed crime, and with regards to whom the procedure of pre-trial social accompaniment is being implemented. The statistical processing was carried out with the help of the package of programs “SPSS Statistica 20”. In the conclusion, the authors claim that the teenagers who commit crimes for the first time are driven by the following causes: aggressive behavior of the victims, susceptibility to suggestions, influence of the third parties, and individual interest. The perception of the first time offenders are characterized by the lack of understanding of the importance, admitting the guilt, they are also emotional regarding the committed crime, and reflect the low capability of showing initiative and independence in commission of a criminal act. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the differences in perception among the teenagers who committed crime for the first time, and those who have done it repeatedly, as well as correlation between the understanding of the committed crimes by the minors and measures of re-socialization applied to them. Keywords: Repeated offence, Resocialization, Behavioral component, Emotional component, Cognitive component, Factors of commission of crime, Minors, Offence, Pre-trial support, Perception of the crime
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