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Politics and Society

Petrov V.E. Juvenile elitology and methodology of the study of “gilded youth”

Abstract:   The goal and subject of this article is the substantiation of the scientific necessity for the emergence of the new field (section) of elitological research – the juvenile elitology. It comprises the area of scientific research of various youth elites, specification of its research capabilities and prospects, as well as development of the scientific methodology that is justified by the particularity and context of the previously mentioned subject of the study. On the example of the phenomenon of “gilded youth” as the most socially ambiguous and difficult for studying the varieties of social and youth elites, the author formulates the possible methodological strategy of conceptualization and design of the research in juvenile elitology. The author analyzes the origins, object field, and possible informative-methodological approaches of juvenile elitology, which are based on the interdisciplinary approach. The formulation and articulation of this scientific problematic comprised the scientific novelty of this work. The conclusion is made that within the juvenile elitological studies there is no implementation for the pure scientific and sociological research instruments that are based on the empirical information, as well as socio-philosophical and actual philosophical approaches, such as axiology, metaphysics, hermeneutics, and reflection.  


excellence, juvenology (youth studies), research methodology, youth elites, gilded youth, juvenile elitology, elitology (elite studies), metaphysics, biographical method, interdisciplinarity

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