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Politics and Society
Shirko T.I., Naletova A.I.
The role of youth in sociocultural development of the Russian regions (based on the materials of socioeconomic development strategies of the Russian Federation and its constituents)
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 10.
P. 1432-1439.
Shirko T.I., Naletova A.I. The role of youth in sociocultural development of the Russian regions (based on the materials of socioeconomic development strategies of the Russian Federation and its constituents)Abstract: The subject of this research is the ideas about the role of youth in the sociocultural development of the Russian regions, which are reflected in the socioeconomic development strategies of the Russian Federation and its constituents. Considering the importance of youth as a socio-demographic group for the prospects of the regional sociocultural development, the constituents of the Russian Federation, based on the peculiarities of the established structures of industrial production and resource potential, formulate the concepts regarding the participation of the young generation in building of the innovation models of the regional development. The authors based on the example of socioeconomic development strategies of Novosibirsk Oblast, Tomsk Oblast, and Krasnoyarsk Krai, thoroughly examine such aspects of the topic as the specificities of the sociocultural development of these regions, their initial capabilities and potential, youth policy programs planned for implementation before 2030. Generalization and interpretation of the acquired data were realized depending on the universal scientific principles of the research – objectivity, historicism, and systematicity. The methodological foundation consists in the modernization theory, as well as preliminary studies of the structural-functional analysis and institutional approach. The conducted research allows making the conclusion the all three of the examined strategies form the primary directions of the innovation development of the regions, as well as define the youth as the object, which influenced by the system of formulated measures, leads to the projected results – sustainable economic development, and support of the competitive ability of a region on international and domestic markets. Special accent in the strategies is made on the active participation of youth in scientific-educational and entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, the task of the government authorities consists in encouraging the development of social sphere and establishment of conditions for creation of an attractive image of the region as the convenient place of residence and work. Keywords: Human capital, Innovation development, Scientific-educational sphere, Territorial administration, Russian regions, Socioeconomic development, Development strategy, Image of the future, Future, Youth
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