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Politics and Society

Shaposhnikova E.A. Federal Law “On Political Parties” as the normative-legal base of the Russian party genesis

Abstract: The object of this research is the party system of the modern Russian state. The subject is the process of realization of the Federal Law “On Political Parties” and further amendments as the presumptive normative-legal base of the Russian party genesis. Special attention is given to the questions of liberalization of the procedure of establishment and registration of parties, emergence of the new party powers in the state electoral practice, as well as possible consequences of these amendments. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as suspension or elimination of parties, mechanism of administrative control over the functioning of the parties in Russia in the context of subordination to the executive authority. The author makes an accent on the most controversial moments of the law on political parties, such as easing of the registration process of the parties alongside the strong administrative control over their work, as well as inclusion into the electoral practice of the new political powers; and on the other hand, discontent of the leaders of the party factions with the aforementioned amendments. The conclusion is made that the party structuring in Russia, despite the liberalization of legislation, is limited by the supervisory role of the government, which first and foremost ensures its own interests, rather that the public interests.


State Duma, President, State financing, Electorate, Voters, Society, Federal Law, Elections, Party genesis, Party

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