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Politics and Society

Kitaev S.V. Methodological potential of the social synergetics theory in examination of nomenclature as the actor of transformations

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the determination of the place and role of nomenclature within the socio-political transformations of post-Soviet Russia. The object is the nomenclature as the actor of transformations. The author believes that the scientific study of sustainability of the Russian political system to the challenges of the present time requires the establishment of the substantiated models of social processes. However, modelling carried out from the perspective of various branches of scientific knowledge does not always lead to unambiguous results, which necessitates the search for the most universal resolution methods. The necessary result can be achieved through the conceptual and analytical tools of social synergetics, having determines its methodological potential in revelation of the essence of nomenclature and its role in transformation of the socio-political system. Synergetic approach taken as the basis for the analysis of transformation processes and offered as the certain methodological orientation, with regards to the study of the phenomenon of nomenclature as one of the most active participants of these processes, ensures its extensive perception by increasing the range of such mechanisms, which are included as the foundation of such analysis. In examination of nomenclature as the variety of complicated dynamic systems, the synergetic approach reveals the vas opportunities in its research. In particular, the examination of regularities of self-organization allows determining the behavioral strategy of the systems (including social) during the period of its chaotization: adjustment to the new circumstances by means of choosing the new ideal (e.g. “democratic values”) and possible ways (including the exceptionally declared) of its achievement. This thesis confirms the point of view of many researchers who claim that the nomenclatural system could not be irrevocably lost with the collapse of the Soviet Union, but adjusted to the new socio-political circumstances.  


system, self-organization, transformation, bifurcation, social synergy, nomenclature, Communist Party, ideology, society, state

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