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Politics and Society
Shashkova A.V.
The mechanisms of counteracting corporate corruption
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 9.
P. 1256-1264.
Shashkova A.V. The mechanisms of counteracting corporate corruptionAbstract: The subject of this research is the analysis of interaction between the state and business on the matter concerning counteraction of corruption. The author thoroughly examines the models of interaction between those who give the bribes and those who receive the bribes, such as bilateral monopoly, stronger positions of bribe takers or bribe givers, as well as fragmentariness of bribe givers and bribe takers. The article presents the analysis of the political and economic components for the emergence of one or another model of interaction between the bribe givers and bribe takers. The substantiated conclusion is made on the necessity of increasing of the general and corporate legal awareness of the parties and corporations for the successful counteraction of corruption. Thus, the corporations consciously implement the principles of compliance in their corporate activity. This article conducts a research of the historical development of business practice in the United States regarding the application of the principle of compliance. The author compares the practices of counteracting corruption in the Unites States and Great Britain. Based on the report by Transparency International, the author examines the status and place of the Russian Federation with regards to corruption, as well as makes a conclusion on the need to implement the principle of compliance towards the Russian corporations. The scientific novelty consists in the in-depth analysis of the introduced in Russia court decisions, normative legal acts and good faith agreement, as well as their comparison with the implementation of the UK Bribery act on the question of counteracting corruption. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to formulate a politological concept on the practice of counteracting corruption, international and domestic problems on the fight against laundering the illegal incomes, as well as the assessment of the foreign experience on this matter. The main conclusion lies in the concept of cooperation between the government and business to prevent the general and corporate corruption. Keywords: collaboration, counterracting corruption, political methods, bilateral monopoly, bribe taker, corporate corruption, bribe giver, law and business, FIFA, international problems
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