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Politics and Society

Khusyainov T.M. Sociological analysis of social interaction on the Internet labor market

Abstract: This article analyzes and systematizes the theoretical approaches on sociological study of social interaction on the Internet labor market. Despite the rapid growth of atypical employment, including Internet employment, the theoretical study of this issue is currently insufficient and requires further research. The author discusses such foundations, which justify the specificity of the Internet labor market, as well as peculiarities of social interaction of the major actors, in the conditions of virtual communication. The method of this research lies in theoretical analysis of sociological theories of social interaction and comparison of the basic aspects of Internet employment. During the course of analysis of the Internet labor market, the author examines the system of interrelationship between the Internet employee and the hire. The use of several sociological approaches reveals various aspects of interaction on the Internet labor market from the moment of mutual search until the end of partnership.


structural and functional analysis, subjects of social interaction, Sociological theory, Post-industrial society, social space, social interaction, atypical employment, Internet employment, theoretical analysis, sociological analysis

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