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Politics and Society

Trifonov D.S. Municipal filter as one of the legal mechanisms of government influence upon the regional policy

Abstract: The subject of this research is the norms of the current legislation that establish legal interactions of the state and regional authorities with the local self-governing bodies. The object of this research is the legal relations and political communications in the area of functioning and interaction of the institutions of public authority. The article examines the question of assignment of authority to the highest officials of the constituent of Russian Federation, particularly the problem of application of municipal filters during the electoral campaign. The author studies the essence, place and role of the municipal filter as one of the restrictive political-legal institution. The author’s main contribution lies in consideration of the negative and positive consequences of the use of municipal filter in the Russian political-legal reality. Scientific novelty consists in the relevant analysis of the Russian application of the legal techniques of electoral process for the purpose of assignment of authority to the highest official of the constituent of Russian Federation. The author concludes that it is inexpedient to implement the municipal filter, as well as points out that it may contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


federal intervention, political parties, elections, public authorities, highest official, political institution, municipal filter, passive electoral law, suffrage, pre-election

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